Boilderplate: Make A Many-To-Many Model Connection In Django
This boilerplate creates an interface for Books and Authors to demonstarte a many-to-many connection. It assumes you've already gone through the basic site/project setup steps (i.e. Boilerplate: Create A New Django Site/Project , Boilerplate: Add Basic Template And Static File Handling In Django , and Boilerplate: Add Basic User Authencation To A Django Site ). More details are below the code in the Boilerplate Details section.
Boilerplate Steps
Perp Work
Make sure you've started the Python venv and are in the directory with:
TODO: Write up how to make sure you're in the proper vecv
Create app modules with
terminal commands -
Make the templates directories
terminal commands -
site_files/ site_files/ - section update -
Add the top level url patterns:
site_files/ - full content replacement
Make The Authors
Make the authors model
authors/ - full content replacement -
Make the "authors/" file:
authors/ - new file to create -
Add the admin for the authors page
authors/ - full content replacement -
Add the functions to:
author/ authors/ - full content replacement -
Add the file:
authors/ - new file to create -
Create the
index.html templateauthors/templates/authors/index.html - new file to create -
Create the
view.html templateauthors/templates/authors/view.html - new file to create -
Create the
create.html templateauthors/templates/authors/create.html - new file to create -
Create the
edit.html templateauthors/templates/authors/edit.html - new file to create -
Create the
delete.html templateauthors/templates/authors/delete.html - new file to create
Make The Books
Make the books and book_authors models
books/ - full content replacement -
Make the "books/" file:
books/ - new file to create -
Add the admin for the books page
books/ - full content replacement -
Add the functions to:
book/ books/ - full content replacement -
Add the file:
books/ - new file to create -
Create the
index.html templatebooks/templates/books/index.html - new file to create -
Create the
view.html templatebooks/templates/books/view.html - new file to create -
Create the
create.html templatebooks/templates/books/create.html - new file to create -
Create the
edit.html templatebooks/templates/books/edit.html - new file to create -
Create the
delete.html templatebooks/templates/books/delete.html - new file to create
Finishing Up
Run the migrations
terminal commands -
Start the server:
terminal commands -
Visit the page:
Boilerpage Details
This boilerplate demonstrates a basic many-to-many connection between database items.
The example uses Books and Authors.
You can view books and authors without being logged in.
You have to be logged in in order to add/edit/delete books and authors.
Each Book can have zero or more Authors.
Each Author can have zero or more Books.
You can delete a Book at any point.
You can only delete Authors when they don't have any books associated with them.
Author names have to have a first name, but the last name is not required.